
風水福地 - NVE 區

NVE居於群山環抱之中,山明水秀, 鳥語花香,天空鳥兒穿梭,伴隨著蟲鳴的天籟之聲,散發出渾然天成的寧靜古樸,充滿思古幽情,怡然自得之氣息洋溢其中,是個得天獨厚的天然寶地。

The Zone NVE at Nirvana Memorial Garden shelters the cherished energy of the universe (Ling Qi in Chinese) that is resonant of the kindness and tranquility of this locale. This treasured landform embodies the life-affirming energy from the mountains likened to the dragon veins in the study of Feng Shui. Feel the concentration of ‘qi’ (good energy) in the arms of the ‘dragon’ and ‘tiger’ as they effuse a gentle embrace towards you from all directions. This renders a perfect setting for the convergence of ‘easy wind’ and ‘uplifting energy’ as inspired by an ideal Feng Shui. In a nutshell, zone NVE exudes the authority of the departed soul while burgeoning the posterity with fortune and nobility. What a salute to the vigour of life.
Zone NVE nestles in the loving embrace of inspiring mountains with a spectacular sight. The scenic panorama of the mountains is amplified by the charming water. The sweet birds and floral blossoms are simply mesmerizing.  Enjoy the tranquility and sounds of nature as if you could turn back the clock. Be consumed by the feel-good aura that pervades you. This is a natural treasured landform that emanates good vibes.


