
風水福地 - NVD 區


NVD全區坐西朝東,穴形似一吉祥『如意』,風水喝形為『如意穴』。全局內外龍虎層層護佑,明堂前有一如意池,形成『水聚天心』的上佳風水裁剪格 局,詩云:聚蓄池塘在穴前,一堂旺氣發田莊。更喜外明堂見一青龍送財水,從左來曲折有情環抱明堂而過;前有『一字文星』來作案山,且呈眠弓狀,主仁壽祿 長,子孫聰穎,富貴綿延;三台山聳立于案山之後,主出文貴,更有重重朝山為屏,氣象萬千,氣勢磅礴。如意是中國最具代表性的吉祥瑞器,富貴如意穴更是上乘 風水寳地,全局向東逢朝陽照寳地,有紫氣東來,更顯尊貴吉兆之象。
勘斷:  黄十林(陰陽宅風水命理師)

Nirvana’s Zone NVD can aptly be referred to as a “Ru Yi Ground” in geomantic term as its unique shape resembles the traditional Chinese decorative object “Ru Yi”(scepter).  This “Ru Yi” has long been associated as a symbol of abundance and wealth. The direction of this “Ru Yi ground” faces East and having a lake at its front is said to be surrounded and protected by dragons and tigers, thus forming a fantastic view of various “Qi” gathering in the lake.  Besides that, a part of the outfield has a river running through which takes the form of “a dragon delivering wealth”.
A mountain with an average height can be spotted at the East direction which looks like the Chinese word “一” because of its flat and straight horizontal shape.  This mountains also takes on the shape of a sleeping bow, symbolizing prosperity, longevity, and humanity, which also affecting the descendants to be smart and clever.  Behind the same mountain, it consists of 3 more mountains that symbolize intelligence and various high hills that possess astonishing aura.  The “Ru Yi Ground” is a superior geomantic ground that faces East so every morning the first sunray will shine directly to its front side, foretelling the advent of propitious sign.
Master Philip Wong

