設立在《世外桃源》的基督徒墓園,溫馨,靜謐,一如聖經中的伊甸園。花團錦簇,綠草如 茵,加上一池明鏡映日月,舒適、愜意得就像一個人文自然公園。《世外桃源》裡的每一個分區,都以聖經中最受敬仰的人物來命名,這包括約書亞區、馬太區、雅 各區和便則憫區,使基督教的朋友們,得以長久沐浴在這永生的人間天堂裡。
如今,這個地方乃安息環境的新指標,以環境青 蔥、秩序井然和幽靜氛圍取勝,加上聖像雕塑品,讓主家在悲傷哀痛之餘,也能擁有心中的平靜。
Christian Memorial Garden at the Nirvana Memorial Garden, adjacent to the renown Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih, is a whole new, serene final resting ground for believers. Comes in different plots such as Joshua Zone, Matthew Zone, Benjamin Zone and Jacob Zone, these integrated burial plots for Christians are located in and designed with tranquil settings.In an ambience that is as close to recreating the serenity of a celestial retreat as human imagination will allow, this Christian zone of the Memorial Park sets a new benchmark for the establishment of peaceful environments.
Detailed landscaping which incorporates biblical iconography effectively reflects the sort of calm expected by individuals in emotionally challenging moments.
With their contemporary attraction, they will certainly appeal to Catholics and Protestants alike and orders are coming in by significant numbers.
基督骨灰殿 Christian Columbarium
The artistic Christian Columbarium is a masterpiece of Christian bereavement care
architectural design unlike any other in the market. It showcases a unique style that exudes
a distinctive Christian character,one that gets best of both worlds: refined, exquisite design
and contemporary idea. Elegant, Romanarchitecture complemented by white and silver
color combinations, enhanced by sky roof that transmits warm sunlight into the
columbarium brings out an air of refinement and serenity typical of any Christian
memorial ambience.
architectural design unlike any other in the market. It showcases a unique style that exudes
a distinctive Christian character,one that gets best of both worlds: refined, exquisite design
and contemporary idea. Elegant, Romanarchitecture complemented by white and silver
color combinations, enhanced by sky roof that transmits warm sunlight into the
columbarium brings out an air of refinement and serenity typical of any Christian
memorial ambience.
The columbarium houses a well arranged array of the best in contemporary Christian
urn compartment niches carved out the fined craftsmanship and durable materials.
The quaint façade reinforces the serene, Christian identity. A whole new chapter in the
masterly shapes and shades of Christian columbarium is thus unveiled.
urn compartment niches carved out the fined craftsmanship and durable materials.
The quaint façade reinforces the serene, Christian identity. A whole new chapter in the
masterly shapes and shades of Christian columbarium is thus unveiled.