Our company, NV Multi Corporation Berhad has recently launched its newest product, NV Life Plan (NVP) which promotes and inculcatesPre-planning and is also more 'financial friendly' so as to reach a broader range of general public to achieve Total Peace of Mind.
This brand new idea of NVLife Plan saw the benefits of:
- 鎖定高達30%* 的折扣優惠,使用時全額回扣,形同免費!只需付區區的RM5,000,客戶可享有 鎖定富貴圓滿契約高達30%*的折扣價格,同時在使用時享獲全額回扣,此富貴人生計劃,讓您圓滿人生,形同免費!
- 預先訂購,超級節省,將來獲得保障
現在購買富貴人生計劃以鎖定折扣優惠,即使還未選購富貴圓滿契約,鎖定折扣已經讓您的生活受到保障,節省金錢! - 事先妥善安排、無後顧之憂
殯葬產品與服務是每個人的必需品,生命無常,事先妥當安排往生事務,免除家人面對失去至愛和不知所措的雙重打擊。 - 早作準備、擁有自主權
讓您與家人彼此有商量及自主權,來選擇自己心中理想的殯儀配套。 - 零利息簡易付款計劃
購買富貴生命計劃時,客戶可選擇零利息兼高達12*個月的簡易付款計劃,提供客戶零經濟負擔。 - 轉讓特權
富貴生命計劃具有可轉讓的特權,如不是自用,購買者可將此優惠轉讓給親友使用,讓使用者也得到鎖定的折扣優惠。 - 富貴產品是信心的保證
The Benefits of Purchasing NV Life Plan
- Lock In up to 30%* Discount Rate. As good as free!
Customer needs to pay only RM5,000 to lock in the discount rate up to 30%* to possess the NV Funeral Service Package. Also, the RM5,000 will be rebate while exercising. As good as free! - Your Future Life is Assured with lock-in discount rate that save your money
Your future life is assured when you purchase NV Life Plan to lock in the discount rate up to 30%*. This is an affordable value plan that save your money! - A Need for Everyone, Pre-planning to Ensure A Total Peace of Mind
Funeral service is a need for everyone. Life is unpredictable, pre-plan yourself to ensure a total peace of mind to you and your beloved one. - Pre-planning with Self decision - making
Making wise decision with your family to prevent your family from conflicts and unnecessary argument upon the moment of grief. - Easy Payment Scheme Available
Up to 12* months, 0% interest easy payment available, reducing your financial burden once you purchase Nirvana Life Plan. - Transferable Privilege
You may reap substantial benefits upon transferring the privilege to friends or relative that enjoys the same benefits even not for own use. - Nirvana, Confidence and Quality Service provided
One of the Asia’s largest bereavement care pioneers- NV Multi Corporation Berhad that holds over 20 years of experience in the industry, providing quality and professional service.
- 客戶在富貴生命計劃的 購買同意書的七(7)天后,並且付清全部購買款項,方能行使此折扣及回扣優惠以購買有關的殯儀套裝。
- 在富貴生命計劃購買日期起的六(6)個月后行使, 客戶即能享有30%的折扣優惠(富貴榮華(A)及富貴滿 堂(A))及20%的折扣優惠(富貴吉祥(A))。請參閱后 頁圖表(I)。
- 在富貴生命計劃購買日期起的六(6)個月內行使,客戶即能享有20%(富貴榮華(A)及富貴滿堂(A))及15%的折扣優惠(富貴吉祥(A))。 請參閱后頁圖表(II) 。
- 如富貴生命計劃乃購買者自用或給予直系家屬(購買者的父母、合法伴侶、兒女及岳父母)行使,客戶即直接享有30%的折扣優惠(富貴榮華(A)及富 貴滿堂(A))及20%的折扣優惠(富貴吉祥(A))。請參閱后頁圖表(I) 。
- 在繳清富貴生命計劃后,客戶可轉讓與其他人使用,唯需付每單RM100的轉讓手續費。
- 其他規則與條件請參閱相關文件。
- 如有任何爭議,富贵集团保留權力于必要時增減以上的條規。
NV Life Plan Terms and Conditions
- Subject to the expiry of seven (7) days from the acceptance of the NLP Purchase Order and the full payment on the Purchase Price, then the Purchaser is entitled at any time to purchase the funeral package with the discount rate and rebate.
- If exercised after six months from the NLP purchase date, customers are entitled the discount rate of 30% (NV Golden (A) & NV Supreme (A)) and 20% (NV Deluxe (A)). Please refer to Chart I on the reverse page.
- If the NLP is being exercised within six (6) months from the NLP purchase date, customers are entitled the discount rate of 20% (NV Golden (A) & NV Supreme (A)) and 15% (NV Deluxe(A)). Please refer to Chart II on the reverse page.
- If the NLP is exercised for own use or immediate family members, (Parents, Parents- In- Law, Spouse or Children), customers are directly entitled the discount rate of 30% (NV Golden (A) & NV Supreme (A)) and 20% (NV Deluxe (A)). Please refer to Chart I on the reverse page.
- Transfer is allowed upon full payment and subject to transfer fees of RM100 per unit.
- Others terms and conditions apply, please refer to relevant documents.
- The Company reserves the rights to amend any of the above terms and conditions as an when necessary and shall have the absolute rights to the final say should any dispute arises in regards to the above program.